About Me

Hello. I am not a runner, or someone who exercises, and am not sporty at all. But one day, in the pub, I decided to run a half marathon with my friend Kirsty. We entered ourselves into the Royal Parks Half in October, and started to run. This blog records my trials and tribulations as I try to build up from never running anywhere to running 13 miles.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

A weighty issue

It's no secret that I am overweight. Going to the doctor is a ritual hell - whether I'm going for an asthma check up or travel vaccinations, they always trot out the medical wisdom that just losing weight would be good for me. Now I'm not going to complain about how hard 'just' losing weight is. I think people should accept responsibility for themselves - no matter how I got here or how easy others may find it to keep the weight down - it is my problem and only mine to change.

Weight loss was never my goal with this running thing; I've always had it in my mind that if I have to run that distance and still be this fat, so be it. But, but. I have not lost a single pound in weight since I started running; not one. Everyone has said that I must be replacing fat with muscle and I'm happy to believe that. I am still wondering if my weighing scales are stuck, though.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Not really finishing C25K

Weeks 7 and 8 were where it became difficult. I got another cold and bad cough, so on the programme week 7, I hardly ran at all. I did 15 minutes on one occasion, coughing and spluttering the whole way. Kirsty seemed to lose her way too, and suddenly we weren't on programme anymore. I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I really would have hoped for fewer problems than I've had. Nonetheless, I have kept the sense that I must continue, and I need to keep running regularly if I am to complete that thirteen miles.

This period emphasised to both Kirsty and I that running alone is much harder. Having that other person, or persons, there alongside you changes all sorts of psychology. For me it makes me 'man up' a bit, focus less on my various complaints, and removes the temptation to stop early. When my cough cleared up, we ran 28 minutes together and it really didn't feel hard.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Week 6 was a couple of split run/walks and a 25 minute run on the weekend. Everything felt ok after breaking the 20 minute milestone. The long run was interesting as I began to notice a pattern. The first couple of minutes felt easy, then I began to get out of breath. From about 5 minutes on, everything was hard, but after about 12-15 minutes it started to get a little easier. But, no sign of that 'runner's high' yet!

Happily, there was no sign of that headache. Dr Google's other ideas on it were dehydration, caffeine and hangover. So I make sure I drink enough water, limit my guzzling of coffee before runs, and run late in the day if I am hungover.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Yes, Week 5, Run 3, 20 minutes - I did it! Even as I stopped running, I could barely believe it.

But, this is me - it wasn't easy. The first 8 minutes were ok. 8 - 15 really dragged; my nose was running uncontrollably (glam), my breathing was quite ragged and my quadraceps felt pretty tight. Then around 15 it got easier; the breathing was clearer and I felt like I could make it. Then I got a headache which lasted until about 10 minutes after I stopped.

I mean, a headache! My body is protesting this thing in any old way it can. Dr Google suggests that some people get headaches from strenuous exercise and there's not too much one can do about it. It wasn't pleasant so I hope to hell it was just a one-off.