About Me

Hello. I am not a runner, or someone who exercises, and am not sporty at all. But one day, in the pub, I decided to run a half marathon with my friend Kirsty. We entered ourselves into the Royal Parks Half in October, and started to run. This blog records my trials and tribulations as I try to build up from never running anywhere to running 13 miles.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Yes, Week 5, Run 3, 20 minutes - I did it! Even as I stopped running, I could barely believe it.

But, this is me - it wasn't easy. The first 8 minutes were ok. 8 - 15 really dragged; my nose was running uncontrollably (glam), my breathing was quite ragged and my quadraceps felt pretty tight. Then around 15 it got easier; the breathing was clearer and I felt like I could make it. Then I got a headache which lasted until about 10 minutes after I stopped.

I mean, a headache! My body is protesting this thing in any old way it can. Dr Google suggests that some people get headaches from strenuous exercise and there's not too much one can do about it. It wasn't pleasant so I hope to hell it was just a one-off.

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