About Me

Hello. I am not a runner, or someone who exercises, and am not sporty at all. But one day, in the pub, I decided to run a half marathon with my friend Kirsty. We entered ourselves into the Royal Parks Half in October, and started to run. This blog records my trials and tribulations as I try to build up from never running anywhere to running 13 miles.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Running vs jogging

One thing that I've occasionally thought about is the difference between running and jogging. Naturally the internet disagrees with itself and I haven't invested any money on books or magazines about running. One does detect a slightly derisory tone about jogging, as if it is some essentially different and inferior activity, but without any definitions to qualify it.

But this morning I came across a BBC article by some sport trainer guy defining 6mph as a cut off point. So you have to be doing 10 minute miles to be running, any less is jogging. And what's more, if you are jogging, you might as well be walking, because it supposedly has the same calorie-burning benefits with less strain. I am a little incensed. My comfortable RUNNING pace is currently just under 11 minute miles. I certainly can't walk that fast, and in all my running, I've never been outpaced by a walker. It also says that you should always run on the balls of your feet, but I know the jury is out on this one - I saw a proper running article suggesting that up to 70% percent of elite runners are heel first, and that what matters is what's comfortable and doesn't result in injury. I'll keep heeling it, thanks.

I want to run faster - I currently get a little too out of breath, but I believe that if I keep at it, I'll get there. I don't think condescending articles like that really have any place on the BBC, which aims to promote health and fitness. It's potentially very discouraging to be told that you might as well be walking, when you've put all your best effort into doing something better. And I will keep going. Whether it's called running or not.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,

    I'm a fellow blogger and jogger(!) and set myself the goal of running a Race for Life 5k on 18th July 2010.

    For me, the goal has always been to be able to run the whole way round without stopping which, at my current speed, will take about 45 mins. I proudly tell people that I am a 'real' runner now who can jog for 40 minutes non stop.

    I train on a treadmill 3 times a week with 1 run outside (as is the Race for Life). However, I am still at the fair weather running stage - it can't be too hot, cold, windy or rainy if I'm running outside - wonder what the liklihood is of it being my perfect weather condition on the day lol!

    Anyway, good luck with your run, I will follow your progress!

    biscottisblog.co.uk xx
