About Me

Hello. I am not a runner, or someone who exercises, and am not sporty at all. But one day, in the pub, I decided to run a half marathon with my friend Kirsty. We entered ourselves into the Royal Parks Half in October, and started to run. This blog records my trials and tribulations as I try to build up from never running anywhere to running 13 miles.

Sunday, 18 April 2010


As I've said before, my plan to not tell the world and his wife about the running was doomed from the start. So lots and lots of people (relatively) ask how it's going. So I tell them. 'Awful', 'Really hard', 'Not great' are phrases that have come up quite a lot. And of course this requires explanation as the natural conclusion of such whines is that I'm chubby and unfit; of course it's hard. Whilst this is true, it's not the full story. I would whine much less if I could breathe as well as your average unfit lardass.

It's like this: ashtma makes all the tiny expandable pockets in your lungs less expandy. They get all uptight; smaller. Need more air? Screw you, we're staying tight and you know what, we may even get smaller. Then the lungs handily throw in some phlegm. This gets tiring when you are breathing more.

So when people ask me how the running is going, I try to convey some sense of this and I see that people don't really know what to say. It's probably too much information but I am not one for bland answers for the sake of polite chat. You ask, you shall know. Sporties tend to bring out general exercising mantras, that it will get easier and I will improve etc. Bless them. I appreciate the advice and general supportiveness, and the mantras generally have truth to them. Maybe some day I'll come across an asthmatic sporty, and they will have a specialised mantra just for the wheezies.


  1. I've just read your most recent post. I think you've met the Asthmatic sporty now – it's you. You're going to need to work out a snappy mantra you can give out :-)

    Congratulations! I'm really impressed. The only trouble I had getting running was twisting my foot after jumping over a fence in Hyde Park!

    Thanks very much for adding your blog on to the forum.

    All the best!
    – Get Running developer.

  2. Hi! Thank you, but I don't think I count as a sporty just yet :)

    Just wanted to say that the app is great. I don't know how we would have done this without it. (Although it's not much fun when the voice says there's 45 seconds left and I was hoping it was 10..)
